- Artificial Condition - The Murderbot Diaries 2 - Martha Wells - English (13Replies)
- Flotsam Prison Blues - The Technomancer 2 - M. K. Gibson - English (12Replies)
- Dune - Dune 1 - Frank Herbert - Spanish (8Replies)
- The Every - The Circle 2 - Dave Eggers - English (9Replies)
- Here and Now and Then - Mike Chen - English (8Replies)
- Rythme De Guerre 2 - Les Archives De Roshar 04 - Brandon Sanderson - French (10Replies)
- Balada De Pájaros Cantores Y Serpientes - The Hunger Games 00 - Suzanne Collins - Spanish (10Replies)
- Le Problème à Trois Corps - Le Problème à Trois Corps/Exofictions T01 - Kiu Cixin - French (6Replies)
- Exit Strategy - The Murderbot Diaries 4 - Martha Wells - English (13Replies)
- Dune - Dune Chronicles 01 - Frank Herbert - English (12Replies)
- Suspicious Minds - Stranger Things 01 - Gwenda Bond - English (11Replies)
- Il Canto Della Rivolta - The Hunger Games 03 - Suzanne Collins - Italian (9Replies)
- Soon I Will Be Invincible - Austin Grossman - English (8Replies)
- Parable of the Talents - Earthseed 2 - Octavia E. Butler - English (7Replies)
- Severance - Ling Ma - English (7Replies)
- Knotty or Nice - London Lennox - English (7Replies)
- Darkness on the Edge of Town - Stranger Things 02 - Adam Christopher - English (12Replies)
- La Ragazza Di Fuoco - The Hunger Games 02 - Suzanne Collins - Italian (9Replies)
- Hunger Games - The Hunger Games 01 - Suzanne Collins - Italian (8Replies)
- Hunger Games -Ballata Dell'Usignolo e Del Serpente - The Hunger Games 00 - Suzanne Collins - Italian (9Replies)
- Rebel Robin - Stranger Things 04 - A. R. Capetta - English (9Replies)
- Lucas on the Line - Stranger Things 05 - Suyi Davies - English (9Replies)
- Runaway Max - Stranger Things 03 - Brenna Yovanoff - English (10Replies)
- Fugitive Telemetry - The Murderbot Diaries 6 - Martha Wells - English (12Replies)
- Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory - The Murderbot Diaries 4.5 - Martha Wells - English (12Replies)
- System Collapse - The Murderbot Diaries 7 - Martha Wells - English (13Replies)
- Network Effect - The Murderbot Diaries 5 - Martha Wells - English (11Replies)
- Rogue Protocol - The Murderbot Diaries 3 - Martha Wells - English (11Replies)
- La Mort Immortelle - Le Problème à Trois Corps/Exofictions T03 - Liu Cixin - French (5Replies)
- La Forêt Sombre - Le Problème à Trois Corps/Exofictions T02 - Liu Cixin - French (5Replies)