- Ecology - DK Eyewitness - Steve Pollock - English (8Replies)
- Birds of North America Western Regio - DK - English (10Replies)
- Sharks: Facts at Your Fingertips - DK Pocket Genius - Virien Chopra - English (10Replies)
- Timelines From Black History - DK - Mireille Harper - English (8Replies)
- Endangered Animals - DK Eyewitness - Ben Hoare - English (12Replies)
- The Dog Encyclopedia: The Definitive Visual Guide - DK - English (11Replies)
- Ocean: Facts at Your Fingertips - DK Pocket Genius - Virien Chopra - English (8Replies)
- Crusades - DK Discoveries - Melanie Rice - English (8Replies)
- Earth: Facts at Your Fingertips - DK Pocket Genius - Rashmi Rajan - English (10Replies)
- Crime and Detection - DK Eyewitness - Brian Lane - English (9Replies)
- Amazing Earth: The Most Incredible Places From Around The World - DK - Anita Ganeri - English (8Replies)
- 100 Events That Made History - DK - Rona Skene - English (10Replies)
- Dog - DK Eyewitness - Juliet Clutton-Brock - English (11Replies)
- Insects and Spiders - DK Nature Explorers - Steve Parker - English (9Replies)
- Science Year by Year: A Visual History, From Stone Tools to Space Travel - DK Smithsonian - English (9Replies)
- Science: Facts at Your Fingertips - DK Pocket Genius - Rashmi Rajan - English (8Replies)
- Flowers - DK Nature Explorers - David Burnie - English (11Replies)
- Weather - DK Nature Explorers - John Farndon - English (9Replies)
- The Great Atlas of Discovery - DK - Neil Grant - English (9Replies)
- Climate Change - DK Eyewitness - John Woodward - English (7Replies)
- Az Ember - Mi Micsoda 28. - Signe Seiler, Rainer Köthe - Hungarian (4Replies)
- Je Me Mets A La Broderie - Catherine Guidicelli - French (9Replies)
- Epidemic - DK Eyewitness - Brian Ward - English (8Replies)
- Italian-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary - DK - English (10Replies)
- Apprendre La Broderie Contemporaine - Hélène Le Berre - French (10Replies)
- Vándorutak az állatvilágban - Mi micsoda 06 - Dröscher V - Hungarian (5Replies)
- Dinoszauruszok - Mi Micsoda 29. - Joachim Oppermann - Hungarian (4Replies)
- Felfedezők - Mi Micsoda 16 - Rainer Köthe - Hungarian (4Replies)
- Hobbiállatok - Mi Micsoda 19. - Rainer Köthe - Hungarian (3Replies)
- Plants - DK Eye Wonder - Fleur Star - English (10Replies)