Mods Is This Spam?
I'm not sure but I've noticed a few times now that in answer to my replies I get a long message - just thought I would flag it up to mods incase it is... (I tried putting it in to google translate and it looks like spam to me!)Thankyou
I have the same... it's an answer in russian (thank you go..le translate...), and probably spam. I reported it this time... I have send a message to Turquoise about this issue.
When she will be online, i am sure she will fix this.
Thank you for reporting this. Please if you see comments like this again,report this to me please.So we can do something about it. I reported two spam posts in the forum bulletin. Should I have reported them here, instead? If you go to the bottom of the page and click report, it goes to the mods and they can remove it, I've had a few lately funshine replied at 10-11-2023 23:22
If you go to the bottom of the page and click report, it goes to the mods and they can remove it, I' ...
I see it now. So much easier! Thank you! Thank you for this information