Anonymous Publish time 04-06-2024 14:04

Parable of the Talents - Earthseed 2 - Octavia E. Butler - English

Octavia Butler tackles the creation of a new religion, the making of a god, and the ultimate fate of humanity in her Earthseed series, which began with Parable of the Sower, and now continues with Parable of the Talents. The saga began with the near-future dystopian tale of Sower, in which young Lauren Olamina began to realize her destiny as a leader of people dispossessed and destroyed by the crumbling of society. The basic principles of Lauren's faith, Earthseed, were contained in a collection of deceptively simple proverbs that Lauren used to recruit followers. She teaches that "God is change" and that humanity's ultimate destiny is among the stars.

In Parable of the Talents, the seeds of change that Lauren planted begin to bear fruit, but in unpredictable and brutal ways. Her small community is destroyed, her child is kidnapped, and she is imprisoned by sadistic zealots. She must find a way to escape and begin again, without family or friends. Her single-mindedness in teaching Earthseed may be her only chance to survive, but paradoxically, may cause the ultimate estrangement of her beloved daughter. Parable of the Talents is told from both mother's and daughter's perspectives, but it is the narrative of Lauren's grown daughter, who has seen her mother made into a deity of sorts, that is the most compelling. Butler's writing is simple and elegant, and her storytelling skills are superb, as usual. Fans will be eagerly awaiting the next installment in what promises to be a moving and adventurous saga. —Therese Littleton

Gosia Publish time 04-06-2024 18:30


KDH Publish time 04-06-2024 21:58

Thank you for sharing with us.

Moogly Publish time 04-07-2024 02:47

Thank you for sharing

Sarsaparilla Publish time 05-17-2024 04:12

Thank you for sharing!

UglyKidJoe Publish time 08-08-2024 17:27

♦ Thank you for taking the time to share ♦

Mirembe Publish time 10-02-2024 20:42

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funshine Publish time 11-23-2024 06:51

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