Gsells1930 Publish time 05-26-2024 06:52

Just wanted to say hello.

Hi everyone! I just wanted to say hello as I have been quiet for awhile. I try to lay low while I am not feeling well. I am feeling a bit better as of late but now so much to catch up on. Mostly it is fatigue that is my issue at the moment. I have been checking out the books and several of them look great! I downloaded a few to see how long I can stay awake to maybe read one. Take care everyone and may blessings come your way! Happy reading! :)

Gosia Publish time 05-26-2024 18:58

Hope you will feel better soon and read all the books from this site (and more) !

Gsells1930 Publish time 05-26-2024 21:52

Gosia replied at 05-26-2024 18:58
Hope you will feel better soon and read all the books from this site (and more) !

Thank you Gosia!I appreciate the kind words.:)

Hic_sunt_Leones Publish time 05-26-2024 23:22

Hi! Hopefully reading is gonna help. Take care!!

hollyhobby Publish time 05-27-2024 19:48

Hello to you too! Hope you will feel better soon, reading can also help in your recovery.

funshine Publish time 05-28-2024 17:44

Hope you feel better soon, enjoy your reading

HannaSolo Publish time 06-01-2024 00:54

Hello to you. Feel better soon.

Gsells1930 Publish time 06-02-2024 22:45

Hic_sunt_Leones replied at 05-26-2024 23:22
Hi! Hopefully reading is gonna help. Take care!!

Thank you so much! It does help immensely.:)

Gsells1930 Publish time 06-02-2024 22:46

hollyhobby replied at 05-27-2024 19:48
Hello to you too! Hope you will feel better soon, reading can also help in your recovery.

Thank you...every day is a different day and never know what to expect. Yes, reading helps put my mind in a different place for awhile which helps so much.:)

Gsells1930 Publish time 06-02-2024 22:47

HannaSolo replied at 06-01-2024 00:54
Hello to you. Feel better soon.

Thank you very much. That is so kind of you.
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