Anonymous Publish time 09-08-2024 03:40

Wolfeater - Anthony Mitchell - English

Found as a child by the war-hungry tribe of the Grey Crow, Radok has forged himself a legend as the mighty Wolfeater; a warrior feared by all. Yet even legends can die, and when he finds himself inflicted with a fatal disease, Radok sets out on a quest to face his gods and ask them the one question only gods can answer: what was the meaning of it all?
With him goes Nyana, the blind eight-year-old girl long held in his care, who has her own question for the gods: what next?
They are hunted by friends and enemies alike, some desperate to preserve the natural balance of things, others hungry for revenge. Against them are set a pack of savage cannibals, a blood-thirsty monster, and the servant of a raging god.
But if the pair can do the impossible, if they can touch the Blackstone, it could change the destiny of their people… and with it, the fate of the world.

funshine Publish time 09-08-2024 03:40


UglyKidJoe Publish time 09-09-2024 13:59

♦ Thank you for taking the time to share ♦

sandrine.annonc Publish time 09-09-2024 14:13

Thanks for sharing !

KDH Publish time 09-09-2024 14:30

Thank you for sharing with us.

Dark Publish time 09-22-2024 16:15

thanks for sharing

Dark Publish time 09-23-2024 15:26

No comments

Mirembe Publish time 02-23-2025 20:54

Thanks a lot!
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