Dark Matters - Rim Jumper 8 - Tim Rangnow - English
Since the earliest days of expansion into the galaxy, the secretive Ghosts have served as spies and agents for the Regents of the Gar Hegemony. Their actions have kept the Senate in check when factions of that body sought to increase their powers at the expense of the citizens of the far-flung Rim worlds. Now, that balance is threatened.With the discovery of the Ancient space station, the Rim Jumper crew helped to save one of the Ghosts that had been captured by Senate forces. Eight are dead, but two more still survive and are unaware that their cover identities might be blown. Erich Reise is desperate to save them, and he asks the Mudamir Rebellion for their assistance.
Kole's efforts to save the last of the Ghosts will take him to the well-protected Core worlds, and then out to the stronghold of the galaxy's most powerful criminal syndicate. It's a race against time to reach the Prince Regent's spies before the Senate can sweep them off the board, removing the last obstacles to their quest for power.
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