Anonymous Publish time 12-02-2024 05:11

Children of the Stone City - Beverley Naidoo - English

Adam and his sister, Leila, are Nons—second-class citizens, living under the Permitted ruling class. Though their life in the Stone City is filled with family, stories, and music, they must carefully follow the rules, have all paperwork on hand, and never, ever do anything to anger a Permitted. When their father unexpectedly dies, they are even restricted in how they are allowed to grieve.
Soon, Adam and Leila are back to school and practicing music again. But when Adam’s friend Zak plays a bold prank on a group of Permitted boys, and Adam is implicated in Zak’s “crime,” Adam knows their lives will never be the same again.

funshine Publish time 12-02-2024 06:37


KDH Publish time 12-02-2024 08:50

Thank you for sharing with us.

sandrine.annonc Publish time 12-02-2024 13:05

Thanks for sharing !

RiverSong Publish time 12-09-2024 01:43

Thank you for sharing!

Mirembe Publish time 01-05-2025 16:43

Thanks a lot!
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