Can Exchange BBS Coin into PINDIY Coin?
I was wondering can we change BBS Coin into PINDIY Coin?I doubt it will be possible, I had to recreate the bbs account ex-novo, that would imply that there is no connection between the two currency despite the websites being managed by the same group Ebookbbs is not linked to PinDIY so coins are not transferable. The first version of this site they were but due to several issues they had to change it. They are independent sites now. Not sure but if you pop to 'tasks' there are lots of coins to be had there .. I saw a link on Pindiy to exchange coins from pindiy to ebooksbbs... If you look on top of the page,you see a bleu lin with forum,groups etc.
At the end you see Exchange to pindiy.
If you click on this button you can see you can transfer coins to pindiy.
But only after you have 200 points. Not sure whet they mean with points.
Transfer coins from pindiy to ebookbbs is possible. It worked Caro1970. I just transferred a bunch of coins from pinDIY to ebooks. I’m doing a happy dance in a serious way. We got some smart people doing this. Not me but somewhere! That answer would be yes. Click on the blue banner at the top of your screen that says “Exchange KDH replied at 09-23-2023 11:36
It worked Caro1970. I just transferred a bunch of coins from pinDIY to ebooks. I’m doing a happy da ...
"a happy dance in a serious way" Oh my gosh, I love it - a serious happy dance. Yes, I too am very serious about my happy dancing. I'm right there with you. Especially for this news! Yay!!