KDH Publish time 09-23-2023 11:31

I need some assistance please

I'm very excited about this book section. I am also extremely ignorant on how to upload books (or anything else for that matter). Is there someone who could help me with uploading some books? I have an iPad. I mean literally walk me step by step how to do it. I will make myself available on their time schedule. I am on Eastern Daylight time in the US.

sandrine.annonc Publish time 09-23-2023 13:04

You go on the section "new threat". There you choose the kind of book you have (fiction, non fiction, drawing).
In the section, you click on new..
you select the kind of book (1) in the list and complete de title - author - language in the bar in the top (2)
and then in the big box, you can place a summary
to upload a picture (3), you clic on the small picture, choose the picture on your computer, clic on upload and clic on the picutre to add it in the box. clic on OK
to upload the book (4) , you clic on the small link, choose the book, upload it, clic on it to add it in the box, and chose the "price" for the book. and clic ok.
then you are finished and clic under on "new threat".

azuredove Publish time 09-23-2023 16:17

Good question KDH, and informative answer Sandrine. Thank you, both!

funshine Publish time 09-24-2023 00:49

Its a very friendly and easy to use site, getting started is often the hardest part.I don't upload from ipad, but from my main computer, so I'm not sure if it is any different
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