Anonymous Publish time 11-26-2023 20:52

The Easter Skunk - Renatta Lynn - English

When an overworked Easter Bunny needs a break from the hustle and bustle of the Easter festivities, what can he do? One spring, the Easter Bunny who we think is named Bob, decides he has had enough of hiding under bushes and leaving eggs and chocolates out for children. Instead, he’d like to travel for Spring Break. Bob decides to take a leap and place a help wanted ad. However, he must be discrete. Hopefully, his offer of “free chocolate” will tickle the ears of bunnies everywhere. Much to Bob’s surprise, the ad doesn’t get the response he was hoping for. All seemed lost until there was a knock at the door. Only, the applicant is not exactly the bunny Bob envisioned. Bob has no other choice but to prepare his replacement so that his dream vacation can go off without a hitch. Join this unlikely duo on their quest to make sure this will be an Easter that nobunny or child will ever forget!

funshine Publish time 11-26-2023 21:26


yerita Publish time 11-26-2023 21:37

Thanks for sharing !

KDH Publish time 01-10-2024 14:51

Thank you for sharing with us.

sarahluc81 Publish time 01-10-2024 23:01

Thank you very much!

UglyKidJoe Publish time 02-24-2024 22:46

Thanks for sharing

gaoxiaogao0618 Publish time 05-12-2024 08:40

Thank you for sharing with us.

Sarsaparilla Publish time 05-16-2024 03:02

Thank you for sharing!

Mirembe Publish time 10-14-2024 18:42

No comments

hokipoki88 Publish time 10-20-2024 23:21

Thank you
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