Anonymous Publish time 11-28-2023 02:08

Crookedstar's Promise - Warriors Super Edition 04 - Erin Hunter - English

Two healthy kits have just been born in Riverclan--Oakkit and Stormkit. The whole Clan rejoices, and no cat is more pleased than their mother, who immediately recognizes her kits' innate skill and bravery.
But when tragedy befalls Stormkit and he is permanently disfigured, his mother renames him Crookedkit and casts him aside.

As the young cat grows in strength, he dreams of becoming Clan leader. Then a mysterious cat appears in his dreams, whispering of prophecies untold and destinies undiscovered. She proclaims that Crookedkit will have all that he desires--but he must pledge his undying loyalty to RiverClan.

No cat could ever have imagined the terror and destruction that would lie in one hastily made, seemingly harmless, promise.

funshine Publish time 11-28-2023 02:21


yerita Publish time 11-28-2023 02:37

Thanks for sharing !

KDH Publish time 11-28-2023 02:51

Thank you for sharing with us.

xbbyd0rkie Publish time 11-28-2023 06:28

Thank you…(´)(`.)SOOOOO---\(´∀`.)/---MUCH!!

sandrine.annonc Publish time 11-28-2023 13:44

Thanks for sharing !

UglyKidJoe Publish time 02-24-2024 22:19

Thanks for sharing

Sarsaparilla Publish time 05-16-2024 02:53

Thank you for sharing!

Mirembe Publish time 09-24-2024 22:51

No comments

hokipoki88 Publish time 10-22-2024 21:04

Thank you
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