Anonymous Publish time 12-15-2023 21:16

First Space Encyclopedia - D.K. Publishing - English

Edited by Gosia at 12-15-2023 22:27

Reach for the stars in the updated First Space Encyclopedia!Explore the planets and discover amazing facts about nearby galaxies. A delightful first reference book about space for young astronomers, First Space Encyclopedia takes readers on a journey through the universe, from the beginning of space itself to current space technology.Find out what it takes to be an astronaut, what it is like to live in space, and what they take with them in their suitcases! Children can test their knowledge with quizzes, try out at-home space activities, learn how to find constellations in the night sky, and see the phases of the moon.

xbbyd0rkie Publish time 12-15-2023 21:27

Thank you…(´)(`.)SOOOOO---\(´∀`.)/---MUCH!!

funshine Publish time 12-15-2023 21:46


KDH Publish time 12-15-2023 23:41

Thank you for sharing with us.

yerita Publish time 12-16-2023 02:34

Thanks for sharing !

sarahluc81 Publish time 02-14-2024 18:00

Thank you very much!

UglyKidJoe Publish time 02-27-2024 20:48

Thanks for sharing

Sarsaparilla Publish time 05-16-2024 22:18

Thank you for sharing!

Mirembe Publish time 01-10-2025 00:24

Thanks a lot!
Pages: [1]
View full version: First Space Encyclopedia - D.K. Publishing - English