Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia - DK - Ashwin Khurana -English
The new edition of the ultimate illustrated encyclopediaFrom computers to the natural world, help your child find out everything they need to know about anything with this fact-packed encyclopedia. They'll find over 500 articles arranged from A-Z on subjects they need to know about, all illustrated with dramatic photos, cut-aways, charts and maps.The encyclopedia has been fully revised to include recent scientific breakthroughs, space missions and discoveries, as well as political, social and ecological changes, so your child can keep fully up-to-date with what has been happening in the world. Plus, they'll be able to discover more about subjects using more than 5,000 fully-vetted and regularly updated internet links.Thank you…(´)(`.)SOOOOO---\(´∀`.)/---MUCH!! Thankyou Thank you for sharing with us. Thanks for sharing ! Thank you very much! Thank you for sharing. Thank you for sharing! ♦ Thank you for taking the time to share ♦ No comments