Downloading an attachment (@admins)
Hello the adminsWhen I download an attachment, I pay the price (and the goldcoins for the price are taken off my "purse").
Then, when I clic on the book to download it, there are 30 goldcoins taken off my purse.
Is it normal ?
Thank you
PS : On Pindiy, i think that it does not happen like that.... only the price is taken off, except if there is no price, and then 30 GC are retired...
normal. The same is true for pindiy. How do I make coins on this site? You can transfer coins from pindiy, or make tasks and you 'll get already 5000 goldcoins. And then make posts and answer to posts... to earn coins as on pindiy Seems to be working ok for me when I pay, I think it's the same as Pindy I seem to have the extra 30 points deducted sometimes.At PINDIY, it was part of the single payment and not an additional payment.Possibly bugs are still being worked out.