Edited by Caro1970 at 01-12-2025 13:42
Chelsea Sponks has earned a holiday, or a long weekend away to visit her estranged Aunt’s zoo for its grand re-opening at least. The trip away is supposed to be a little break, but trouble seems to follow Chelsea everywhere, and on opening day the group discover an exhibit that wasn’t on the cards—a dead body. Murder in the menagerie!
To make matters worse Pendle Island’s stormy season hits a few weeks early, bringing gale force winds, torrential rain, and giant waves that crash against the island’s ancient beaches. With the strange tide something else washes in with the water, an old pirate ship that supposedly sank several hundred years ago…
It seems that Chelsea’s family reunion and the opening of the long-closed Sponks family grimoire has awoken an ancient curse, and with that curse comes new troubles, one that puts the island and everyone of its inhabitants at risk.
With another murder to solve, a curse to unravel, pirate ghosts to keep at bay, and a family that won’t stop bickering, Chelsea might just find some time to enjoy her weekend away with her new fiancé, then again, that dream might just be dead in the water…
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