Edited by Caro1970 at 01-12-2025 13:41
Chelsea Sponks has finally found her much-needed break: a surprise vacation and a wedding in idyllic Hawaii. With friendly locals, gorgeous white beaches and sparkling azure water a girl couldn’t want much more. When a local businessman winds up dead however vacation plans soon go awry. That wasn’t the ‘beach body’ she had in mind…
If that wasn’t enough Chelsea has to somehow entertain friends and family as they arrive at the hotel for the wedding, and of course her talkative familiar, Artemis, has snuck along for the ride too. With the big event coming the only ‘cold feet’ she’s concerned about are at the crime scene.
The local police however are delighted to find themselves in the midst of something exciting, and when the amiable sheriff brings a second mystery to Chelsea’s plate, she soon finds herself in over her head. A freight container full of exotic art has vanished into thin air, and the trail of clues left behind is simply baffling…
Maybe if she can figure it all out there will be time to ‘lei’ down and enjoy the Hawaiian sun before they have to fly back home… providing she gets out alive!
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