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A Shiver of Light - [Merry Gentry 09] - Laurell K Hamilton 2014 English

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EbookBBS  Post time 10-01-2023 19:22 |Read mode
Edited by Caro1970 at 10-03-2023 11:55

I am Princess Meredith NicEssus. Legal name Meredith Gentry,because Princess looks so pretentious on a driver's license. I was the firstfaerie princess born on American soil, but I wouldn’t be the only one for muchlonger...
Merry Gentry, ex-private detective, now full-time princess,knew she was descended from fertility goddesses, but when she learned she wasabout to have triplets, she began to understand what that might mean.Infertility has plagued the high ranks of faerie for centuries. Now nobles ofthe both courts of faerie are coming to woo Merry and her men at their home inexile in the Western Lands of Los Angeles, because they will do anything tohave offspring of their own.
Taranis, King of Light and Illusion, is a more dangerousproblem. He tried to seduce Merry, and failing that, raped her. He's using thehuman courts to sue for visitation rights, claiming that one of the children ishis. And though Merry knows she was already pregnant when he took her, shecan't prove it.
To save herself and her babies from Taranis Merry will usethe most dangerous powers in all of faerie: a god of death, a warrior known asthe Darkness, The Killing Frost, and a king of nightmares. They are her lovers,and her dearest loves, and they will face down the might of the high courts offaerie - while trying to contain the war, to keep it from spreading to thoseinnocent humans who are in very real danger of becoming collateral damage...

a Shiver of Light.jpg

Laurell K Hamilton - [Merry Gentry 09] - A Shiver of Light 2014.epub

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Post time 10-01-2023 19:23 | Show all posts
꧁☆ ♡ ☠︎ Thanks so much for sharing ☠︎ ♡ ☆꧂
Post time 10-01-2023 19:59 | Show all posts
Thank you for sharing !
Post time 10-01-2023 20:20 | Show all posts
Post time 10-02-2023 22:32 | Show all posts
Thank you for sharing
Post time 10-12-2023 03:06 | Show all posts
Thanks for sharing !
Post time 10-12-2023 03:28 | Show all posts
Thank you for sharing with us.
Post time 10-16-2023 19:29 | Show all posts
Thank you.   
Post time 10-27-2023 05:31 | Show all posts
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