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The Killing Dance - [Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter 06] -Laurell K Hamilton 1997 English

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EbookBBS  Post time 10-02-2023 20:53 |Read mode
Edited by Caro1970 at 10-03-2023 18:37

The first hit man came after me at home, which should beagainst the rules. Then there was a second, and a third. Eventually, I foundout that the word on the street was that Anita Blake, preternatural expert andvampire killer extraordinaire, was worth half a million dollars. Dead, notalive. So what's a girl to do but turn to the men in her life for help? Whichin my case means an alpha werewolf and a master vampire. With professionalkillers on your trail, it's not a bad idea to have as much protection aspossible, human or otherwise.
But I'm beginning to wonder if two monsters are better thanone ...

Killing Dance.jpg

Laurell K Hamilton - [Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter 06] - The Killing Dance 1997.epub

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Caro1970 + 30 Thank you very much!

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Post time 10-02-2023 20:54 | Show all posts
꧁☆ ♡ ☠︎ Thanks so much for sharing ☠︎ ♡ ☆꧂
Post time 10-02-2023 21:49 | Show all posts
Nice share thanks
Post time 10-03-2023 00:47 | Show all posts
Thank you for sharing !
Post time 10-12-2023 02:56 | Show all posts
Thanks for sharing !
Post time 10-16-2023 15:34 | Show all posts
Thank you.   
Post time 12-30-2023 00:45 | Show all posts
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