Arriving in Cairo for another thrilling excavation season,Amelia is relaxing in a well-earned bubble bath in her elegant hotel suite inCairo, when a man with knife protruding from his back staggers into the bathchamber and utters a single word—"Murder"���before collapsing on the tiled floor, dead.Among the few possessions he carried was a sheet of paper with Amelia’s nameand room number, and a curious piece of pasteboard the size of a calling cardbearing one word: "Judas." Most peculiarly, the stranger was wearinga gold-rimmed monocle in his left eye. It quickly becomes apparent that someone saved Amelia from awould-be assassin—someone who is keeping a careful eye on the intrepidEnglishwoman. Discovering a terse note clearly meant for Emerson—Where wereyou?"—pushed under their door, there can be only one answer: the brilliantmaster of disguise, Sethos. But neither assassins nor the Genius of Crime will deterAmelia as she and Emerson head to the excavation site at Amarna, where theywill witness the discovery of one of the most precious Egyptian artifacts: theiconic Nefertiti bust. In 1345 B.C. the sculptor Thutmose crafted the piece intribute to the great beauty of this queen who was also the chief consort of PharaohAkhenaten and stepmother to King Tutankhamun. For Amelia, this excavation season will prove to beunforgettable. Throughout her journey, a parade of men in monocles will dieunder suspicious circumstances, fascinating new relics will be unearthed, a diabolicalmystery will be solved, and a brilliant criminal will offer his final challenge. . . and perhaps be unmasked at last.