Edited by Caro1970 at 01-15-2025 15:30
When her own spell blasted away her magic and destroyed her memory, Desora had abandoned everything. Now, discovering the depths of elemental Earth and her memory returning, she is on the verge of recovering all she’d lost—even her lost love, Brax. Yet fierce battles loom before Desora and her allies. The monster escaped. It heads for Mulgrum, killing as it flees. The Dark Fae Horst and his remaining riders track the sorcerer and his wyre. Only when the monster is destroyed will Mulgrum and the Northern Reaches be safe. The sorcerer who brought the monster through the portal must also die. With allies gathered, the final deadly battle nears. Desora risks losing all she’s regained as she confronts a monster she has no idea how to destroy.