A terrorist hit is coming. The CIA, FBI, and Department of Defense systems have spiked,but traditional intel is going nowhere. It falls to the Taskforce-a top- secretteam that exists outside the bounds of U.S. law and is charged with finding anddestroying asymmetric threats-to stop the unknown conspirators. A shadowy trail leads the Taskforce through Asia and intoEgypt, where an attack leaves one hardened Taskforce member dead and anotherbarely breathing. Pike Logan and his partner, Jennifer Cahill, are forced tohelm the increasingly convoluted and dangerous mission-a mission that tests Jennifer'sability to justify means for an end and Pike's tenuous ability to stay incontrol. Sifting their way through the opposing plots of two terroristorganizations will turn out to be the least of their problems when a weapon ofunthinkable power touches American soil . . . the only country in whichTaskforce members are forbidden to operate, and the only country that PikeLogan may be unable to save. Told with unparalleled realism informed by Taylor's decadesof experience in the U.S. Army Infantry and Delta Force, All Necessary Forcetakes readers on a terrifying journey that ends at our own front door.