Podobnie jak poprzednio, Armand Gamache zostaje oddelegowany do Three Pines, sielskiego miasteczka położonego na południe od Montrealu. Trwają rozgrywki dorocznego turnieju curlingowego. Podczas m ...
02-21-2025 23:04 - Anonymous - Mystery
Jest wiosna, świat budzi się do życia, a mieszkańcy Three Pines przygotowują się do Wielkanocy, gdy podczas seansu spirytystycznego, zorganizowanego, by uwolnić miasteczko od złych duchów, kt ...
02-21-2025 23:06 - Anonymous - Post new Fiction Section
Pierwsze spotkanie z inspektorem Armandem Gamache: wraz ze swoim zespołem śledczych ma pomóc rozwikłać tajemniczą zbrodnię w wiosce na południe od Montrealu. Jane Neal została znaleziona mart ...
02-21-2025 23:02 - Anonymous - Post new Fiction Section
01-30-2024 07:30 - Anonymous - Mystery
No outsiders are ever admitted to the monastery of Saint-Gilbert-Entre-les-Loups, hidden deep in the wilderness of Québec, where two dozen cloistered monks live in peace and prayer. Ironically, for ...
09-18-2024 08:07 - Anonymous - Mystery
On their first night in Paris, the Gamaches gather as a family for a bistro dinner with Armand's godfather, the billionaire Stephen Horowitz. Walking home together after the meal, they watch in horr ...
09-17-2024 18:48 - Anonymous - Mystery
He’s asked to provide security for what promises to be a non-event. A visiting Professor of Statistics will be giving a lecture at the nearby university.While he is perplexed as to why the head of ...
09-18-2024 08:22 - Anonymous - Mystery
While Gamache doesn’t talk about his wounds and his balm, Clara tells him about hers. Peter, her artist husband, has failed to come home. Failed to show up as promised on the first anniversary of t ...
09-18-2024 08:18 - Anonymous - Mystery
As the villagers prepare for a special celebration, Armand Gamache and Jean-Guy Beauvoir find themselves increasingly worried. A young man and woman have reappeared in the Sûreté du Québec invest ...
09-17-2024 18:42 - Anonymous - Mystery
The discovery of a dead body in the woods on Thanksgiving Weekend brings Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and his colleagues from the Surete du Quebec to a small village in the Eastern Townships. Gama ...
09-18-2024 08:05 - Anonymous - Mystery
Hardly a day goes by when nine year old Laurent Lepage doesn’t cry wolf. From alien invasions, to walking trees, to winged beasts in the woods, to dinosaurs spotted in the village of Three Pines, h ...
09-18-2024 08:26 - Anonymous - Mystery
When a peculiar letter arrives inviting Armand Gamache to an abandoned farmhouse, the former head of the Sûreté du Québec discovers that a complete stranger has named him one of the executors of ...
09-18-2024 08:02 - Anonymous - Mystery
No one admits to knowing the murdered man, but as secrets are revealed, chaos begins to close in on the beloved bistro owner, Olivier. How did he make such a spectacular success of his business? Wha ...
09-18-2024 08:10 - Anonymous - Mystery
The man might have been looking for peace and quiet, but something else found him. Something horrible. Did the man take his own life? Or was he murdered? Chief Inspector Armand Gamache is called to ...
09-18-2024 08:16 - Anonymous - Mystery
When some villagers decide to celebrate Easter with a séance at the Old Hadley House, they are hoping to rid the town of its evil—until one of their party dies of fright. Was this a natural death, ...
09-18-2024 08:14 - Anonymous - Mystery
Christmas is approaching, and in Québec it's a time of dazzling snowfalls, bright lights, and gatherings with friends in front of blazing hearths. But shadows are falling on the usually festive se ...
09-17-2024 19:10 - Anonymous - Mystery
It's Gamache's first day back as head of the homicide department, a job he temporarily shares with his previous second-in-command, Jean-Guy Beauvoir. Floodwaters are rising across the province. In t ...
09-17-2024 18:18 - Anonymous - Mystery
When an intricate old map is found stuffed into the walls of the bistro in Three Pines, it at first seems no more than a curiosity. But the closer the villagers look, the stranger it becomes. Given ...
09-17-2024 18:25 - Anonymous - Mystery
No one liked CC de Poitiers. Not her quiet husband, not her spineless lover, not her pathetic daughter—and certainly none of the residents of Three Pines. CC de Poitiers managed to alienate everyon ...
09-17-2024 18:21 - Anonymous - Mystery
Although he is supposed to be on leave, Gamache cannot walk away from a crime that threatens to ignite long-smoldering tensions between the English and the French. Meanwhile, he is receiving disquie ...
09-17-2024 18:50 - Anonymous - Mystery
The beautiful Manoir Bellechasse might be surrounded by nature, but there is something unnatural looming. As the heat rises and the humidity closes in, some surprising guests turn up at the family r ...
09-17-2024 18:29 - Anonymous - Mystery
Found among the bleeding hearts and lilacs of Clara Morrow's garden in Three Pines, shattering the celebrations of Clara's solo show at the famed Musée in Montréal. Chief Inspector Gamache, the he ...
09-17-2024 18:32 - Anonymous - Mystery
When a mysterious figure appears in Three Pines one cold November day, Armand Gamache and the rest of the villagers are at first curious. Then wary. Through rain and sleet, the figure stands unmovin ...
09-17-2024 19:07 - Anonymous - Mystery
01-30-2024 07:30 - Anonymous - Mystery