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Bounty Area Today: 0|Threads: 17|Rank: 32 

Welcome to the Bounty area.


If you are looking for a book that you can't find in our forum then open a new bounty and someone will help you soon.

*********ALL REPLIES ARE INVISIBLE FOR REASONS OF PRIVACY *********** (will be soon)

How to open a bounty :(bounty owner)
1.  Write in title: Book name - Serial name + issue (If it has one ) - Author name (For comic books Publishing brand (Marvel, Dc comics etc..) - Language
2.  The minimum Bounty reward is 500 coins.      
3.  Each bounty can have only One book.  No bundles are allowed.   
4.  The SAME bookcan have MORE than one open Bounty.         
5.  When you open a bounty, you will have to wait until the book is posted.
6.  When someone uploads the requested book, the reward will be given to book uploader and the moderator will let you know where you can download book.

How to solve a bounty and receive the reward :(pattern uploader)
1- Upload the book in the appropriate forum (Fiction, Non-fiction, comics forum... etc...)
2- Write  Thank you very much in the Bounty area as a reply.
3- Please report to moderators (for quick solution)


03-11-2025 19:18 GMT+8

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