Edited by Luv2knit at 11-01-2023 10:12
I've just finished reading The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix. This was a book that Azuredove recommended in another discussion we were having about Groups. I had not read any Hendrix books to date but have read many horror stories, so I was intrigued with how he would handle this subject matter considering horror is such a popular genre [& some would say "overdone"] . I found this story compelling, Hendrix's characters are believable and evoke care & concern, his monster is nasty, totally indifferent to the plight of his victims, narcissistic. I think his comparison with the psyche of real world serial killers is excellent and chilling. If you like to delve into the realms of psychology, you will enjoy this book, but only if you can deal with the fear it evokes.
Thank you for suggesting this author, Azuredove, I will definitely read more of his work. |