Edited by Gosia at 01-12-2025 20:28
Chelsea Sponks finds herself with some quiet downtime after a recent spout of magical chaos on the island. During that time she’s ticked off random chores, accidentally made a name for herself as an aspiring Pet Detective, and made friends with an eccentric and rather wealthy podcaster.
A local b-list celebrity has put forward a six-figure reward for anyone that can prove him innocent in the recent case of his wife’s murder. Chelsea is keen to take the challenge, but after poking around for clues she can only draw one logical conclusion—he has to be guilty.
If that wasn’t enough, she’s also got to police rival witch covens, settle ancient feuds, claw back a castle from a mad wizard, become an overnight expert in ancient Egyptian artifacts, and breakup a cult that is starting to spread across the island.
And that’s not even taking into account her wedding that is supposed to be happening at 'some point', and the pregnancy cravings that have started to crop up. Will she even have time to eat those peanut butter and pickle sandwiches with a killer on the loose?
There’s only one way to find out.
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