...just a few suggestions, maybe start out small because I'm not sure how many people would be interested, but we could start a book club [I have enough gold coins to start a group now] and leave it open for all interested members to join. Then, following in the footsteps of the movie "The Jane Austen Book Club" [have you seen it? it's so good] we could choose a book by consensus [so everyone is invested] and read a Chapter or two (for example - or any agreed amount) over a certain period of time (start off at slow pace, so not much time pressure), afterwards, all members would be welcome to post comments (like a review) and discuss thoughts, impressions and suggestions (in a kind, respectful manner) i.e, debate and disagree, but not attack personally - don't want to make it toxic, just get other people's perspectives in a fun, nurturing environment...sprinkled with jokes, digressions and even links to other books that members recommend. Please tell me if any of this works for you, Azuredove? |